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School failure in France


What are the roots of school failure ?


Family problems (violence, unemployment, single parent home, poverty, alcohol or drugs addiction,…)

Psychological problems (anxiety, depression, anger, fear, attitude problems, …)

School problems (hate of some school subjects, hate of some teachers, overcrowded classes, faulty careers advice,…)

Learning disabilities (dyslexia, dyspraxia, Asperger syndrome, hyperactivity, problems to understand or remember lessons, attention deficit disorder, …)


What are the solutions?

Parents can help by listening and understanding their children. They can help their children with their homework. They can also try and get help from teachers and educational  professionals. Good and regular communication between the three main actors of the youngsters “educational triangle” is vital !


Besides, parents should always set limits  regarding sleep or time spent playing games, …

Let’s not forget a suitable PSHE curriculum  is a great way of preventing school failure too.

Teachers, as for them, can help by encouraging students to participate actively in school and extra -curricular activities. They should also favour different teaching methods and materials, giving a priority to IT. Whenever that is possible, work placement should be considered as a real way to make failing students regain self-esteem and discover another world.

Health professionals should be contacted because they can provide parents and teachers with learning strategies related to good listening skills.




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