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Partner School


Saint Pierre is a secondary general and vocational high school located in the north of France, in Abbeville, a city in Picardy. Our school is located in a rural area, many of our students are day students, sometimes not living in Abbeville but locally. 


We have already developed links with other countries near us, namely England and Germany but also Australia and are still looking forward to creating other links which can only help and motivate our students to open up onto the world that surrounds them or further.


Socially speaking, we can tell our students belong to various social classes from working class to upper-middle class but we tend to make everybody grow up respecting the other and do what we can to help those  who may feel inferior improve and feel  at ease in our school, especially our students whose parents can’t provide any help or support for their school work and who tend to rely on the teachers very much then. At our vocational high school , this type of students is quite numerous. 


Our region is indeed known for its high unemployment rate (the national rate being 9%, the local rate is between 14% and 16% according to the season),  its low wages and some parents make sacrifices to send their children to our school and thus feel very deprived when their son or daughter may feel tempted to give up school. Our aim is to provide these students with the diplomas and qualifications which will suit the demands of the job market and make them succeed in their professional and personal life too. 

We organize school field events to allow these students to discover other places, locally, nationally or internationally and improve their knowledge on spot but must always be careful to limit the cost or find other ways to raise money if we want most of our students to take part.


We wish our school to be both a place of learning but also a crossroads for cultural life and a way to arouse our students’ universal awareness.

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